Upcoming Events

Empowering Communities with Cultural Wisdom

The Sufism, Arts, Culture, and Heritage Institute (SACH Institute) is dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding of the intersection between spiritual wisdom and contemporary global challenges. By integrating Sufi philosophy with artistic expression, cultural heritage, and environmental sustainability, we create platforms for dialogue, collaboration, and action. Our mission is to inspire meaningful change by promoting values of love, tolerance, and unity, while preserving and celebrating diverse cultural traditions. Through research, events, and community-driven initiatives, SACH Institute serves as a bridge between the past and the future, nurturing both insight and innovation for a better world.


Promote values of love and tolerance across diverse cultures and communities.


Preserve and celebrate traditional arts, culture, and heritage.


Advance solutions for global challenges through spiritual wisdom and contemporary practices.

Domestic Events

Cultural Heritage Seminars
Explore the importance of preserving and promoting local cultural heritage through expert talks, panel discussions, and artisan showcases. These seminars will focus on revitalizing traditional crafts and creating economic opportunities for local artists.

  • Key Highlights:
    • Expert talks on cultural preservation
    • Panel discussions on heritage in modern society
    • Artisan showcases and workshops

Sufi Spirituality Symposiums
Delve into the teachings of Sufism and their relevance to personal growth and societal harmony. These symposiums feature scholarly presentations, interactive discussions, and performances of Sufi poetry and music.

  • Key Highlights:
    • Scholarly presentations on Sufi teachings
    • Interactive discussions on spirituality
    • Sufi poetry and live music performances

Climate Awareness Trainings
Engage in hands-on training sessions focused on climate change mitigation and sustainable living. These workshops aim to educate the youth and community leaders on practical solutions for environmental challenges.

  • Key Highlights:
    • Practical training on sustainable living
    • Capacity-building workshops for community leaders
    • Tree-planting and eco-friendly initiatives


International Events

Global Spiritual and Cultural Conferences
Join global spiritual thinkers, cultural experts, and artists to discuss how spiritual teachings and cultural heritage can address global issues. This conference will feature keynote speeches, panel discussions, and international cultural exhibitions.

  • Key Highlights:
    • Global panels on spirituality and culture
    • Art and cultural exhibitions from multiple countries
    • Discussions on heritage in peacebuilding

International Climate Solutions Symposiums
Participate in discussions with environmentalists, scientists, and policymakers to explore innovative climate solutions. These symposiums will cover renewable energy, sustainable practices, and community-driven resilience.

  • Key Highlights:
    • Expert-led symposiums on climate solutions
    • Case studies on sustainability innovations
    • Workshops on community-driven climate resilience

Arts and Heritage Trainings
Enhance your skills in preserving and promoting cultural heritage through international training programs. These sessions will cover traditional craftsmanship, sustainable tourism, and the use of digital platforms for cultural promotion.

  • Key Highlights:
    • Training on heritage preservation techniques
    • Workshops on technology for cultural promotion
    • International cultural exchange programs

For more information about our upcoming events, including dates, venues, and registration details, please visit our FaceBook Page or contact us at contact@sach.institute